Shift-Clicking the mailbox lets you modify the entire neighborhood’s needs including starting or stopping them.

Turning on testing cheats will give you the ability to Shift-Click (X+O or A+B on console) various items in the game world. Not all cheats have to be entered into the debug mode. cas.fulleditmode – Let’s you change anything about an existing Sim including gender, traits, etc.fillmotive x – Use to fill a Sim’s needs such as fillmotive_hunger.sims.give_satisfaction_points x – Gives Sim X number of satisfaction points to buy rewards with.bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement – Unlocks all career items for purchase.bb.showhiddenobjects – Unhides many hidden objects in build mode.bb.moveobjects – Lets you move objects anywhere.topay_bills true/false – Enable or disable household bills.freerealestate on/off – Turns home cost on or off.death.toggle true/false – Enables or disables death.nsumables_infinite_toggle – Makes consumables not be consumed with use.For example, “careers.promote astronaut.” Any careers with spaces should be entered without spaces. careers.promote X – Promotes the Sim in the entered career.Satisfaction and rewards are still given. Aspirations.Complete_Current_Milestone – Completes the current Aspiration.(Replace firstname & lastname with the Sim’s name) resetsim firstname lastname – Resets a Sim.Money X – For example, Money 100,000 would give the family exactly that many Simoleans.motherlode – Gives the family $50,000 Simoleans.kaching – Gives the family $1000 Simoleans.We’ll go into specifics later, but chances are you’re looking for one of these. Once you’ve done this, you need to type in “testingcheats on” and hit enter. On Xbox or PlayStation, you do this by pressing all four shoulder buttons – both the bumpers and triggers. On PC you do this by pressing Control + Shift + C. To enter a cheat code, you must first turn on the Testing Cheats mode. Our Sims 4 guide covers the basics and most frequently searched cheats. We’ve compiled the most frequently used Sims 4 cheats so you don’t have to go looking elsewhere. Note that there are more Sims 4 cheats than this that encompass just about everything you can think of. Whether it’s remedying that awful moodlet that’s putting a damper on a date, giving the family a small donation of Simoleans, or just teleporting someone because they’re somehow stuck in a wall. For most Sims 4 players, using cheats or mods is a core part of normal gameplay.